
The Department of Law was established with a strength of 20 students of LL.B. in the year 1947 with the efforts of Late Shri Mishri Lal, Advocate and Late Shri Bankey Lal, founder of this college and Shri Dharmpal Varshney as the Head of the Department and Shri Makkhan Lal as a Lecturer. Shri Harish Chandra Gupta and Shri Brajkishor Varshney, an eminent Civil Lawyer joined the department as lecturers. Later Shri Deoki Nandan also joined the department and became the Head of the department. Law Students Association was framed under his tenure in 1973. Several programmes were organized under the banner of this association. Later, the department was joined by Shri Shiv Charan Singh Yadav, Dr. J. P. Gupta, Shri Bhikam Pal Singh, Dr. V. N. Kaushik, Dr. Kaushal Kishore, Dr. Shribabu and Dr. Seema Yadav. At present, Dr. Seema Yadav is the Head of the Department and is well assisted by Dr. Farid Khan, Dr. Shah Raziq Khalid, Mr. Khursheed Alam Khan, Mr. Lal Singh, Mr. Ratan Kumar Patel, Mr. Atul Arora, Mrs. Naipali and Mr. Ajay Kumar Kushwaha.

Student and Teacher strength – Department of law is a under graduate department having a maximum strength of 720 students with 12 sanctioned posts. At present, nine (09) regular teachers are serving in the department.

Curriculum Planning and Implementation – The department offers only three years LL.B. course. Various academic activities are performed by the department from time to time such as visit to Lok Adalat at District Court, Extension Lectures by eminent jurists, academicians and Advocates, Moot Court and Legal Aid Camp etc. as per the academic calendar and syllabus prescribed by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Agra and norms prescribed by the Bar Council of India. To achieve this target, a detailed annual plan is prepared at the beginning of the session.

Learning Resources – The department of law has a separate building, having a separate library as well as a separate office. There are a number of text and reference books in the library both in Hindi and English medium. Many national and international journals such as AIR, Legal Law Advisor are available in the library.

Additional Study Material – Class notes, assignments and other study materials like youtube channel, blog, e-lectures, PPT are provided to the students by the department to upgrade their knowledge. Moot Court is also performed by LL.B. third year students regularly. The department also helps to collect reference through E-library.

Assessment – Regular assessment of the students is done by the department through class tests, group discussions as well as tutorials. The department also organizes discussions on socio-legal issues.

Learning Outcome – The department has a consistent outcome with a good pass percentage which also includes many selections in various competitive exams like PCS(J), APO, PCS (E), HJS.

Best Practices – Beside the lecture method, other teaching techniques are adopted by the department such as visit to Lok Adalat, Jail and to Honourable Supreme Court. The department also organizes Legal Aid Camps at villages at district level. Two extension lectures are arranged to be delivered by eminent jurists every year.

Feedback from Stakeholders – For the purpose of improvement in the quality of education, feedback from students as well as parents is collected regularly.

Research of Publication – Teachers of the department are actively engaged in research activities and other activities like Orientation Programs, Refresher course, Faculty Development Programs, Short Term Courses and writing books and have several research papers in many reputed national and international journals.

Mr. Khursheed Alam
Assistant Professor
Dr. Lal Singh
Assistant Professor
Mr. Ratan Kumar Patel
Assistant Professor
Mr. Atul Arora
Assistant Professor
Mrs Naipali
Assistant Professor
Mr. Ajay Kumar Khushwaha
Assistant Professor