Department of psychology came into existence in 1956 with Shri Chitmayanand as its temporary head. In 1957, Dr. Jai Gopal Tripathi became the next head. P.G. classes began in 1960. The number of teachers increased and with the strength of the student and the department had five teachers – Prof. J.G. Tripathi, Dr. R.N. Agrawal, Dr. J.N. Tiwari, Dr. Raghuvir Swarup Gupta and Dr. (Mrs.) Divya Rani in 1970. Later, Dr. Hari Mukand Sharma and Dr. R.P. Singh joined the department in 1974 and 1977 respectively. They rendered commendable service to the department with their concerted academic efforts and research pursuits. Dr. (Mrs.) A.N. Qureshi, being transferred from D.D. M. (PG) College, Firozabad, joined the department in 1999. Dr. (Mrs.) Sunita Kumari and Dr. Bhagat Singh were appointed as lecturers in August 1999 and August 2001 respectively. Dr. Ajay Kumar and Dr. Anita Moral were appointed Asst. Prof. through Higher Education commission, Allahabad in May 2010. Mrs. Tanvi Sharma has appointed Asst. Professor in 2017 through Higher Education Commission Allahabad. Dr. Rajani Rani Varshney and Dr. Renu Aggarwal were regularised/ appointed as Assistant Professor through Director of Higher Education, Prayagraj in 2019.

Student and Teacher Strength – At present the department has a sanctioned strength of 6 teachers to teach about 550 undergraduate and 100 post graduate students. The teachers take extra workload to ensure proper teaching.

Curriculum Planning and Implementation – Teachers prepare curriculum plan at the beginning of the session for both graduate and postgraduate courses. It is organized as per the academic schedule and implemented according to plan.

Learning Resources – The department of psychology has a rich collection of psychological tests (64 types) such as – intelligence, anxiety, adjustment, educational interest, class room achievement, emotional maturity, personality test etc. and has different types of psychological experimental instruments. Besides this, the department has approximately 70 books and 13 research journals, contributed by teachers. The college library also has several rare psychological books.

Additional Study Material – Special class notes and additional learning materials are provided according to syllabus to the students. Online and hard copy journals are also referred to the students.

Assessment – Regular assessment of students ensures timely feedback for their improvement.

Best Practices – Besides the regular teaching method other practices used by the teachers are audio-visual aids, group discussion, seminar, poster presentation, special guest lecture by subject expects, ICT learning resources through computer and smart phone, career counselling, meditation and cultural activities. Alumni are also involved in different activities from time to time.

Feedback form Stakeholders – To identify special needs of students, feedback is taken regularly by the teachers. Parents’ feedback is collected during parents teachers meeting.

Research and Publications – Teachers are actively engaged in research work and approximately 100 students have got Ph.D. Degree till date. Several research papers are published by teachers and students and they also remain involved in seminars, workshops, writing books and research papers. At present one research scholar is enrolled in the department.

Dr. Ajay Kumar
Associate Professor and Head of the Department
Mrs. Tanvi Sharma
Assistant Professor
Dr. Rajani Rani Varshney
Assistant Professor
Dr. Renu Aggrawal
Assistant Professor
Ms Anshu
Assistant Professor